Better quick pick generator. Smart random selection which filters patterns rarely showed to raise the chance. Customized for Powerball, Lotto, MegaMillions, EuroMillions, Mark Six and more.About Us
About Smart Pick
LotPicker Smart Pick is a smarter way for lottery number quick pick.
It selects numbers randomly but avoids specific number patterns that rarely show in results to improve the odds.
The patterns with rare chance and being filtered are like the following,
About Smart Combo
LotPicker Smart Combo applies Rotation Matrix, a mathematical method, to generate a cost-saving combo for multiple betting.
Smart Combo covers all 5-number combinations of the selected numbers in an optimized way. For example, it only requires 4 bets to cover all 5-number combinations from 8 selected numbers. Hence, if the selection covers 6 winning numbers, the combo will ensure at least one bet of 5 winning numbers. The Smart Combo reduces significant cost from common multiple number betting as shown in below table. Comparison of Bets Required
Common multiple betting covers every combination of the selected numbers, it has the biggest chance but the cost is huge. Smart Combo does not cover every combination of the selected numbers. It reduces significant cost and optimizes the chance by covering all 5-number combinations with an efficient matrix. However, please be reminded that the combo does not assure the 6 winning numbers, if selected, being in the same bet. Our team is committed to build simple websites that optimize complex logic. The system carries out ongoing data analysis and enhancement, while keep it simple and quick. |